Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Barthes: Narrative Enigma

Roland Barthes 

(b. 1915- d. 1980)

Roland Barthes was a French theorist, philosopher and semiotician. 

What is Narrative Enigma? 

Narrative enigma is defined as the intentional withholding of exposition in order to create mystery and suspense. 

An example of narrative enigma being used in an opening is Pretty In Pink (1986), which shows shots of the bedroom and the protagonists body parts, building up to reveal her face. 

An example where narrative enigma is not upheld is the opening of Bridget Jones' Diary (2001), where the protagonist immediately reveals exposition through a voiceover

Possible influences for my film: 

In my opening, I would want to build up narrative enigma to create suspense and mystery, especially around the killer's identity. I would reveal exposition visually rather than through dialogue. 

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Hello! My name is Laura and this is my blog tracking my AS Media Coursework from 2022-2023.  I specifically researched film openings and the...