Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Production Schedule

24/10/22 initial pitch  
10/11/22 idents
14/11/22 final pitch
15/11/22 sample scene 1, initial script, equipment testing 
20/11/22 location scouting 
22/11/22 casting finalised
23/11/22 sample scene 2, budget finalised 
24/11/22 initial audience feedback
01/12/22 final makeup and costume decisions
06/12/22 final props and costume purchases
08/12/22 scenes 1 and 2 shooting
11/12/22 final script completed 
04/01/23 burial scene shoot
20/01/23 locker scene shoot
20/01/23 initial rough cut
01/03/23 titles added 
21/03/23 soundtrack, foley sounds, and dialogue rerecording
03/04/23 final cut

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Welcome To My Blog!

Hello! My name is Laura and this is my blog tracking my AS Media Coursework from 2022-2023.  I specifically researched film openings and the...