Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Levi-Strauss: Binary Opposition

Claude Levi-Strauss

(b. 1908- d. 2009)

Claude Levi-Strauss was a French anthropologist. 

What is Binary Opposition? 

Binary opposites are "a pair of related concepts which are opposite in meaning". ( They are opposing forces within a media text that move the narrative along, such as good and evil, male and female, black and white, etc...
Levi-Strauss stated that they were the "basic structure of all human cultures", and that binary opposites are needed in "human signifying structures"

Possible influences for my film: 

The binary opposition between the final girl and the scream queen, the binary opposition of a heterosexual couple. 

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Hello! My name is Laura and this is my blog tracking my AS Media Coursework from 2022-2023.  I specifically researched film openings and the...