After filming all of our scenes, we compiled an initial rough cut, focusing on the shots and editing, and excluding sound, titles, idents and effects.
To improve the scene, we got audience feedback from my parents, as they fall under the 25-44+ category, which is our secondary target audience. However, they are not big fans of horror so some references and elements could potentially not be picked up.
What were your initial impressions of the rough cut?
- Liked the burial scene, and thought skirt on soil created narrative enigma (Barthes) surrounding the identities of the killer and victim
- Liked the POV mirror shot from the locker scene
- Atmospheric setting during forest scene
- Difficulty following dialogue due to clarity
- Liked the shot through the trees in the forest
Are there any specific areas that need improvement?
- Dialogue during street scene was unnatural, should be rerecorded
- Shouldn't change dialogue too much, maintain verisimilitude as that is how teenagers speak
Were there any elements of intertextuality you noticed?
- The character Norman like Norman Bates from Psycho
What could we include to appeal to your age group? Is anything appealing already?
- The inclusion of an older character (parent, teacher, family member, authority figure), to add depth and a backstory
- Allows for personal identification (UGT) within the secondary audience
What would you consider to be the target audience for the film?
- The primary audience as teenage boys, as they are more interested in horror and violence, and girls as secondary
- Teenage boys would be more interested in watching teenage girls in a film (male gaze)
- Teenagers ranging from 12-18
- With a certification of 16+ (BBFC 15)
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