Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Sample Scene 2

After our initial sample scene, we wanted to create another using as many possible elements to include in our final scene. 

We created the mise-en-scene of the locker and the missing posters. The inside of the locker is decorated with some pictures of our cast as well as various lipglosses for Mandy to use. The poster on the locker was placed so it could be visible for the majority of our takes. We also added a mirror inside the locker to create a close up using it, and potentially for our jump scare. 

For the costumes, we wanted to use as many pieces we thought we wold include in our final cut, such as the fake glasses, heart earrings and heart jumper. Through our composition of the mise-en-scene and costumes, we were able to have a more accurate representation of our intended scene, and see the possible difficulties we could face while filming. 

After creating a call sheet for the scene, we had a basic idea of shots to film and elements of continuity to be aware of. This was very helpful to us as we only had 45 minutes to film, and we made sure to include the necessary shots before experimenting further.         

Here is our second sample scene: 

After editing our sample scene and showing it to our media class this is the feedback we received: 

Improvements to make in the next shoot: 
- posters could be aged, scribbled on, placed differently to be more realistic
- the lockers and corridor is too tidy, we need to create verisimilitude through bags on the floor, coats, etc...
- the false scare; needs to be built up to more (e.g. looking around), acknowledged more by actors 
- the locker could be decorated more
- the takes are too long, should be short and fast
- there needs to be larger shot variety and cuts
- scream queen character needs to be played up more; emphasis on lips and lipstick (male gaze), wearing more makeup, jewellery, hair
- final girl character needs to be accentuated more; baggier clothes, bigger glasses
- bracelet dialogue reveals too much exposition, should be communicated visually
- bracelet should be highlighted more; bigger bracelet and clearer shot
- stronger costume signifiers (e.g. Heathers)
- using music or ambient sound throughout the scene 
- removing the slo-mo at the end 

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Welcome To My Blog!

Hello! My name is Laura and this is my blog tracking my AS Media Coursework from 2022-2023.  I specifically researched film openings and the...