Thursday, February 16, 2023

Titles For My Film

Title Order: 

My blogpost on genre title research is linked here


We used the website to search for fonts. We initially selected many fonts we thought denoted horror, and then divided them into subgroups, to analyse and select which we thought best suited our film.  

The first group of fonts we looked at were illustrated fonts. We thought that these fonts were too stereotypical for a horror film, and as our film enters around blurring and going against horror conventions, we didn't think it fit. 

Another factor was that the fonts are not as easily legible, and have connotations of comedy. Although we have comedy elements in the film, we want to market it as a serious slasher, unlike these fonts. 

These fonts were all in uppercase. We didn't like most of them as they felt too serious, and we still have comedic undertones in our film. However, we liked UNFINISHED SCREAM, and included it in our final consideration. 

These fonts were in bold, and we liked them as we felt they made an impact but were not bubble fonts. We liked the sentence case as well, and we kept STRANGER BACK IN THE NIGHT, and THE SOLITUDE as we liked the look of the fonts as between cursive and serif

These cursive or curved fonts were more stylised than the bubble ones, which we preferred. As our primary target audience is female, we wanted to include cursive to demonstrate this. The ones that were too cursive didn't appear serious enough for our film. The fonts we chose out of these were ANGER STYLES, THE NIGHT CREATURES, GRIEZELIG, and BLACK CHANCERY. 

These fonts were serif, or sharper than the others. We didn't like how they looked as they were either too thin or thick. We kept LUXEMBOURG as we thought it seemed gothic and denoted serious horror. 

After analysing the various types, this was our final font selection. 

We asked some of the other media students for their opinions on our font selection and what they thought best conveyed horror, as well as their personal preferences. 

They selected THE NIGHT CREATURES, and picked up on BLACK CHANCERY replicating the Cherry Falls (2000) font, who's opening we are recreating. We preferred NIGHTSIDE and BLACK CHANCERY, so we used our title and saw which one we visually preferred. To summarise the title process, I made a presentation linked below: 

Sasha's post demonstrates how she achieved the animations for the main title. 

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Welcome To My Blog!

Hello! My name is Laura and this is my blog tracking my AS Media Coursework from 2022-2023.  I specifically researched film openings and the...