Wednesday, March 1, 2023


 Below are our changes made after receiving feedback on our second rough cut

- added idents
- added titles
- created a hand of god opening inspired by Cherry Falls (2000)
- added a colour filter to the street scene
- cut out shots in the forest scene for time
- tightened or zoomed out shots to flow better
- shortened clips when Marion was calling for Norman to follow Barthes' action codes
- removed the phone dialling for time 
- cross cut phone call
- added a POV shot
- added a temporary Psycho (1960) slashing sound effect
- added the main title 
- ended the locker scene with Mandy's foot stepping on a missing poster

Here is the written feedback we received from the other media students: 

- Ident needs to be reshot; add music, remove shake, maybe use a time-lapse 
- The titles are too quick
- The opening sequence is too quick
- Opening sequence needs to be reshot as it is too dark and shaky
- The font for connecting words should be different (title convention)
- Spacing between titles needs to be the same
- Add an audio-bridge to the final ident
- Ident order should be switched in order to keep the sound

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Welcome To My Blog!

Hello! My name is Laura and this is my blog tracking my AS Media Coursework from 2022-2023.  I specifically researched film openings and the...