Wednesday, February 15, 2023

SLASHER GENRE: Narrative Structure

Within the slasher genre, the structure and conventions are very specific, so audience expectation is of a reoccurring pattern. This is an example of genre purism. As an extension of Todorov's narrative structure, the slasher genre has its own interpretation of it. 

This is best summarised in the figure below, taken from Richard Nowell's book, "Blood Money".

According to Todorov's narrative structure this would be; equilibrium (the teenagers daily life), disruption (stalking or killing begins), recognition (noticing murders), attempt to repair (attempt to survive), new equilibrium (killer is defeated). 

This structure is seen in older slasher films like The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974), A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984), Halloween (1976), Prom Night (1980), as well as modern examples such as Scream (1996), Bride of Chucky (1998), The Cabin in the Woods (2011), and The Babysitter (2017).

"The horror genre's hidebound founding texts prevent films from deviating too far from tradition...The audience is itself psychologically unsuited for drastic changes in the formula horror film."
- John L. Crane, "Genre Criticism and the Horror film"

This quote summarises the idea that the early, blueprint slasher films have set the conventions for following films, and created the audience's expectations. When the conventions are slightly altered, this is counter-typical, and instantly recognisable within the formula, often to the disappointment of audiences. 


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