Monday, February 20, 2023


Below are our changes made after receiving feedback on our first rough cut

- Added a temporary soundtrack
- Removed shots of ground for time
- Removed shaking of actors (seemed too cold)
- Synced pings more
- Zoomed in onto phone to see texts
- Removed unscrewing shots for time
- Cigarette was broken, so close up removed
- Separated shot types by two to make it flow better
- Removed camera shakes
- Changed dialogue ("slash my throat" removed) and seemed unnatural
- Shorter clips for time
- Rearranged order for continuity
- Removed the zoom out from the book
- Changed MS to an ELS to show Mandy pushing Laurie 
- Changed second mirror pov shot to a side close up of lipgloss
- Removed final tracking shot 
- Added missing poster stepping 

Here is the feedback we received from the other media students: 


What were your impressions of sound?
Music not appropriate for younger target audience (15-24+)
- Add heartbeat for tension
- Cut visual keep sound of screaming (too long)
- Rerecord audio dialogue 
Element of intertextuality could be using, Halloween/Psycho music
- Music coming in and out (too long, distracting)
- Use of strings for slashing 
- Non-diegetic music for mood in forest or street
- Only use "Killer Queen" at locker scene
- Add sound effect to cross cuts
- Long drawn out notes, music increasing (volume, pitch, and speed)
- Add more to ambient sound, intermittent, add leaves, nature, birds 

What are your impressions of the shots?
- Should starts with an ELS/hand of god sequence
- Cut to close up of cigarettes as vodka 
- Add more narrative enigma in shot 1 
- Longer jumpscare
- Make street to forest flow better
- Rearrange shots to speed up, between trees first, create ellipses 
- Shorter takes for running scene (speed it up)
- Remove awkward shots (maintain 180 degree rule)
- Tighten frame to show nerves 
- Cut to voyeurism shot (tree)
- Shorter forest clips
- Phone call too long 
- Add pov shot (Halloween)
- Include shots of slashing/blood
- Make cross cutting longer 

What were your impressions of lighting?

- Make all lighting the same 

- Add shaking or colouring difference in cross cuts

- Lighten digging scene 

- Fade to black at end 

- End on foot on poster 

- Can't see skirt during burial

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Welcome To My Blog!

Hello! My name is Laura and this is my blog tracking my AS Media Coursework from 2022-2023.  I specifically researched film openings and the...